Kerala Daily Wage/Contract Personnel Remuneration Enhancement
Kerala Daily Wage/Contract Personnel Remuneration Enhancement G.O.(P) No.28/2016/Fin Dated 26.02.2016 has been issued by the Kerala Finance Department on the 26th February 2016. Government of Kerala has decided to enhance the remuneration of daily waged/contract employees and also issued certain guidelines for the engagement of daily waged/casual workers/contract personnel in Government Departments, Educational Institutions and Grant in Aid Institution
Daily Wage/Contract Personnel Guidelines
Kerala Daily Wage/Contract Personnel Guidelines are as follows
Government and its Grant-in-aid institutions shall as far as possible not engage daily wage or casual workers but have to either report the vacancies to the Public Service Commission or select persons as per the extant special rules or guidelines relating to appointments to any post as specified in various instructions issued earlier. Government Orders restricting appointment by Daily Wages/Contract Pay/Provisional Appointment through Employment Exchange shall continue in force notwithstanding anything contained in this order.
However, in exigencies where Government or Grant-in-aid institutions are compelled to engage persons on daily wages or casual labourers or on contract, their wages/contract pay shall be governed as per the following conditions and the category wise remuneration will be as per the Annexure appended with this order.
The appointment of any person on daily wages or on contract does not entitle such person for being regularized in Government service
This order will be applicable to only persons engaged exactly in roles specified in Column I of the Annexure appended. Before any person is paid the daily wages/contract pay as the case may be, the Head of the Institution or such other person duly authorized for the purpose, who engages such person, shall make sure that the person satisfies all the essential qualifications as well as experience (if any) specified in the Special Rules or the rules of the Grant-in-aid institution as the case may be. Any deviation from this will not be permitted other than with the concurrence of Finance Department.
If any daily wages or contract engagement has been made to any position other than that
exactly’ specified in Column I in the Annexure, then sanction of Government after
consultation with Finance Department shall be obtained before fixing the category of that
person for the purpose of disbursing daily wages/contract pay.
If any amount is disbursed to ‘daily wage workers/casual labourers/contract employees in
deviation from these provisions, then such excess remuneration shall be the personal
liability of the officer who makes such appointment and the person disbursing such excess
Download Kerala Daily Wage/Contract Personnel Remuneration Enhancement G.O.(P) No.28/2016/Fin for detailed information
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