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UP 17 OBCs in SC List

UP Govt is going to add 17 OBCs in SC list/SC Category. Proposed list of OBCs in SC category are Batham, Bhar, Bind, Dheemar, Gaur, Kahar, Kashyap, Kewat, Kumhar, Machua, Majhi, Mallah, Nishad, Prajapati, Rajbhar, Tura. UP Govt has sent proposals to the central govt to add the above said OBC Castes in SC list ahead of UP Assembly Elections 2017.

This is really a good news for the said Other Backward Castes which are Batham, Bhar, Bind, Dheemar, Gaur, Kahar, Kashyap, Kewat, Kumhar, Machua, Majhi, Mallah, Nishad, Prajapati, Rajbhar, Tura. Earlier in the year 2013, UP Assembly had passed a resolution asking the Centre to include 17 castes of Uttar Pradesh into the list of Scheduled Castes category. Uttar Pradesh State Backward Class Commission (UPSBCC) had recommend to the Uttar Pradesh state government to enact legislation for curbing atrocities on the members of the OBCs.

List of SC Castes in Uttar Pradesh

So far, there are 66 castes are listed in SC category as of 30th June 2016 in Uttar Pradesh. Sri Akhilesh Yadav govt has sent proposals to add 17 other castes in this list. In the year 2004 also several efforts were made by Sri Mulayam Singh Yadav’s government to add these castes in SC List.

UP 17 OBCs in SC List Uttar Pradesh Govt ProposalAgaria, Badhik, Badi, Baheliya, Baiga, Baiswar, Bajania, Bajgi, Balahar, Balai, Balmiki, Bangali, Banmanus, Bansphor, Barwar, Basor, Bawariya, Beldar, Beriya, Bhantu, Bhuiya, Bhuyiar, Boira, Chamar, Dhusia, Jhusia, Jatava, Chero, Dabgar, Dhangar, Dhanuk, Dharkar, Dhobi, Dom, Domar, Dusadh, Gharami, Ghasiya, Gond, Gual, Habura, Hari, Hela, Kalabaz, Kanjar, Kapariya, Karwal, Khairaha, Khatik, Khorot, Kol, Kori, Korwa, Lalbegi, Majhwar, Mazhabi, Musahar, Nat, Pankha, Parahiya, Pasi, Tarmali, Patari, Rawat, Saharya, Sanaurhiya, Sansiya, Shilpkar, Turaiha

Opposition political parties criticizing this decision and describing its as a political stunt ahead of UP Assembly Elections due in early 2017. If central govt clears the UP Govt proposals to add 17 OBCs in SC Category, then the following 17 sub castes will be benefited from this.

Batham, Bhar, Bind, Dheemar, Gaur, Kahar, Kashyap, Kewat, Kumhar, Machua, Majhi, Mallah, Nishad, Prajapati, Rajbhar, Tura

Check the following link for more information about List of Castes in SC category in Uttar Pradesh

SC Castes List in UP

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